Woodstock Tire
Automotive Services
Automotive Services
Woodstock Tire Service is the trusted name in tire maintenance and repair for Woodstock, Ingersoll, London, and surrounding communities in Southwestern Ontario. Your tires are an essential part of your vehicle, contributing to fuel economy, ride comfort, and overall handling. Proper tire care helps keep your set around longer and ensures you get the best value from any purchase. Woodstock Tire Service specializes in tires large and small. From passenger car tires to commercial truck tires and farm tires to industrial tires, we're available to advise and service your tires including, truck wheel alignments. Other capabilities include 24-hour tire repair, towing service, roadside assistance, and tire storage.
We pride ourselves on our customer service and providing the best in tire service. We want to earn your trust and become your favorite tire store in Woodstock, Ontario. Visit us today for affordable deals on new tires and tire services, or contact us online to schedule an appointment.
Areas Served: Woodstock, ON | Ingersoll, ON | London, ON | and surrounding areas